This policy sets out the approach to obtaining a national police check as a prerequisite for applying for or taking Shifts with Designated Senders, as defined below, and as a condition of the continuing nature of that relationship. Go People obtains all criminal history records using Intercheck, an accredited Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) Provider approved to access the ACIC National Police Checking Service (the Police Check).

Go People seeks to protect its Designated Senders from unnecessary risk by providing professional and secure delivery services.

Applicants must have a Police Check prior to being assigned a Shift from a Designated Sender. Police Checks are mandatory for Runners, as defined below, who apply for work with Designated Senders but remain voluntary for Runners who only wish to work with other Senders (i.e, non Designated Senders). The Police Check will remain valid for 12 months.

Go People will not accept a national police check, unless it is from from Intercheck and is valid 6 months prior to the date of applying for or taking the Shift to be accepted.
In conducting a Police Check, Go People will always comply with:

  1. all relevant legislation of the Commonwealth, or any state and territory or local authority, in particular legislation which prevents discrimination on the basis of criminal records
  2. the Commonwealth Spent Convictions Scheme and
  3. its obligations as set out in the contract with the ACIC Provider.

Runners must advise Go People immediately if during their work with a Designated Sender a Runner is charged with, or convicted of any criminal offence which is or reasonably may be regarded by Go People as relevant to the inherent requirements of the relationship.

When a Police Check is completed, Intercheck will retain as its permanent records the original completed application and consent form and confirmation that a Police Check has been conducted and store on the relevant personnel file for a period of 12 months after which they will be destroyed. Go People will not retain any permanent records but will record a successful Police Check on the Runner’s profile for a period of 12 months.

A Runner who applies for a Shift with a Designated Sender should comply with Police Check requirements promptly as the checking and approval procedure can sometimes take a few days. A Runner who has an unsatisfactory Police Check result or refuses consent will be unable to apply for or take Shifts with a Designated Sender.

A record of criminal history does not automatically exclude a Runner from working with Go People.


This policy applies to all Applicants, as defined below, (existing and prospective Runners) applying for or taking a Shift that requires a Police Check. The applying Runner will have to pay the cost of $49 with the funds coming out of the Runner’s account (if available).


‘Authorised Personnel’
Designated Support staff who are authorised to review Police Checks, handle Police History Information and other data relevant to Applicants

A Runner who provides written informed consent to authorise Go People to conduct a Police Check in their name for a Designated Sender

‘ACIC Provider’
An Australian government executive provider, established by the ACIC agreement between the Commonwealth, States and Territories in July 2000 we engage, InterCheck Global Pty Ltd

‘Disclosable Court Outcome’ (DCO)
Record of court convictions and findings of guilt, subject to spent convictions, non-disclosable legislation and/or information release policies being applied

‘Designated Sender’
A Sender who requires all assigned Runners for a Shift to be ‘police checked’

‘National Police History Check’
Otherwise known as a ‘national police check’ a National Police History Check is requested when an informed consent form has been completed by the Applicant whose name will be checked and identity has been established using the four document identity process:

  1. One commencement of identity document
  2. One primary use in the community document
  3. Two secondary use in the community documents

‘Police History Information’
Information relating to DCOs or other Information regarding the name provided to ACIC and included within a Police Check. Police History Information is only released subject to relevant spent convictions, non-disclosure legislation and information release policies

‘Period of Contract’
A Period of Contract is the 12 month period a police check is valid starting from the time a Runner applies for a Shift with a Designated Sender

‘Spent Convictions Scheme’
Refers to the Commonwealth Spent Convictions Scheme. The scheme allows a person to not disclose some old criminal convictions after ten years (or five years if a juvenile offender), subject to some exceptions, and provides protection against unauthorised use and disclosure of this information

A Runner is any person or company who registers and logs onto the Go People App or platform for the purpose of providing services



  1. is responsible for providing correct information on the application and consent forms
  2. is responsible for informing Go People if a criminal conviction occurs during a Shift or the Period of Contract with Designated Sender

Authorised Personnel

  1. are responsible for the overall management of the Police Check program
  2. act as the point of contact for Runners for matters relating to police checks, this policy and associated procedures and guidelines
  3. assess all DCOs against the inherent and essential requirements of the Shift


  1. Designated Sender requests police checked Runners when booking a Shift
  2. A Runner who applies for the Shift on the Runner App is prompted with a Police Check message and Runner confirms to proceed
  3. Informed consent is required to be completed by the Applicant
  4. Applicant uploads documents to Intercheck for identity verification using the four document process
  5. Police Check applications are processed using InterCheck through Australia’s National Police Checking Service
  6. Where no criminal record history results the Runner will be assigned the Shift
  7. If there is a criminal record history* the Runner will not be assigned the Shift to a Designated Sender and Go People will assess the Police History Information
  8. A new informed consent is to be completed every 12 months prior to assigning a Runner to a Shift with a Designated Sender
    *If there is Police History Information, the Authorised Personnel will meet to discuss the suitability of assigning a Runner a Shift with a Designated Sender based on the level of the offence.


Go People will maintain complete confidentiality and protect the Runner’s identity at all times to ensure the information about the Runner’s criminal record is only used for the purposes for which it is intended. Only Authorised Personnel will have access to Police History Information.

Go People will not discriminate on the grounds of a criminal record when making a decision. Nonetheless, it is not an act of discrimination to find a person unsuitable if an Applicant’s criminal record means that he or she is unsuitable to perform the inherent or essential requirements of the work.


If you dispute the information provided in the Police Check, eg. personal details, nature of offences listed, you should send an email to help@intercheck.com.au specifying the nature of the dispute immediately. It is important to note that disputes can only be raised for one of the following reasons:

  1. – The police information released does not belong to you
  2. – Part of the police information does not belong to you
  3. – The police information belongs to you, but the details are inaccurate
  4. – The police information belongs to you, but should not have been released

If you have a grievance based on your the eligibility to work as a result of Go People assessment of your Police History Information, you should send an email to support@gopeople.com.au specifying the exact nature or the reason.

There is no set turnaround time for disputes and grievances to be resolved, however you will receive notification of your request and be provided with updates as they become available.


Commonwealth Spent Convictions Scheme

Australian Human Rights Commission

Go People Privacy Policy