04 Jun, 2015 By Wayne Wang

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What used to be just an idea may be a soon be reality. The US Patent Office has recently approved Amazon’s proposed delivery drones and has revealed details on how these would work.

The BBC reports: According to the patent, the drones will be able to track the location of the person it is delivering to by pulling data from their smartphone.

The unmanned vehicles will also be able to talk to each other about weather and traffic conditions.”

If plans are followed to the letter, Amazon’s drones will be able to update their routes in real-time. As for delivery locations, customers will have a wide range of delivery options, from “bring it to me” to their home, office, or even “my boat”.

Other details include:

  • Amazon will employ a variety of unmanned vehicles depending on the shape and weight of the product
  • Flight sensors, radar, sonar, cameras and infrared sensors will be employed to ensure safe landing zones are found
  • The unmanned vehicle would constantly monitor its path for humans or other animals and modify navigation to avoid such obstacles

Amazon has also been busy with land-based innovations as well. It has partnered with DHL and vehicle manufacturer Audi for a service that would deliver packages straight to Audi cars. It’s interesting to see disruptive innovations come along and shake up an industry that has stayed the same for so long.

The article describes the scenario, which seems to be straight from a sci-fi movie:

“Using Audi’s in-car communications system, Connect, DHL delivery drivers would track a customer’s vehicle over a specified period of time and then use a digital access code to unlock the boot,’ the car maker said. This code would then expire as soon as the boot was shut.”

It is innovations such as these that make us feel like it’s an exciting time for delivery technologies. In Sydney, there are alternatives that may not allow drones to deliver your post (yet), but does allow senders more flexibility than ever to send and deliver parcels.

Our mobile app has given residents an innovative option instead of traditional delivery services.  Customers have the freedom to get parcels delivered 24/7, whenever and wherever they are. Anyone with a bike, motorcycle, car, van, or Opal Card can sign up to be a parcel Runner and earn extra income in their free time. It’s a win-win situation for all. It just goes to show that industries that refuse to move will soon be outrun by others with smarter and more efficient ideas. Be part of the future and download Go People today!

Do you have unique delivery service ideas? Share your suggestions in the comments section below!

Read the original article here: www.bbc.com/news/technology-32653269