11 Jun, 2015 By Wayne Wang

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More and more people are calling Sydney their home. According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald:

“Sydney’s population is set to top 5 million in the next year, after the city gained a record 84,230 people in 2013-14.

The state’s ten largest growth areas last financial year were all in the Sydney metropolitan area, as the city absorbed 77 per cent of NSW’s population increase.

The population of Greater Sydney, which includes the Blue Mountains and Central Coast, reached 4.84 million at the end of June 2014 and, on current trends, will climb above 5 million in April 2016.”

As the city’s population hits the 5 million mark and with no signs of slowing down, it will surely affect road use in the city, which could in turn have an impact on services that rely heavily on road infrastructure, such as logistics and courier services.

In London, which has close to 10 million residents, companies are now thinking of ways to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape.

According to the industry-leading website Post & Parcel:

“The event saw pleas for companies to re-time their deliveries in the UK capital to take place outside the peak hours of 7am to 1pm, to help ease congestion on London’s roads.

Transport for London, which has recently been reported as concerned at the number of courier vehicles now plying London’s roads in the wake of the e-commerce boom, said £200bn of goods is now moved on London’s roads each year.

London’s Transport Commissioner, Sir Peter Hendy said: ‘The unprecedented growth and changing nature of London is placing increasing pressure on our road network. Never has the need to adapt been more pressing.’”

If you’re a Sydney resident or business establishment, the good news is you need not rely on traditional courier services and monitor peak and off peak hours to have parcels delivered. You can do this any day, 24/7 with Go People. Use this innovative mobile app to post delivery jobs, choose the runner best suited for the task, and have parcels delivered in as fast as 10 minutes in and around Sydney. Packages are delivered safely and securely, at your convenience.

Have you tried Go People? What do you think and how do you think this will make living in Sydney easier?

Read the original articles here: www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydneys-population-to-reach-5-million-in-a-year-20150331-1mbyut.html

and here: www.postandparcel.info/64785/news/it/delivery-firms-urged-to-re-time-london-deliveries-to-avoid-peak-hours

